Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A New Mind

In the course of reading this article it will be clear to you how you can operate on the level of a new mind. It is your mind that will play a vital role in achieving the set target, because we are going to set a particular target in bringing out the mind from its obscure state and giving it the light it requires to bring to reality the wealth we preach as result of putting the mind to effective use. Why not look at your situation now and ask yourself is this where I am supposed to be, five years ago where was I and in five years to come where will I be? I think the question is best asked now because you have the greatest opportunity of changing your situation and changing your life and that of your family forever through this simple but conscious decision.

I have taken time to look at man and most time the problem with us is that we do not allow time for meditation. I remember sometimes back I do take time to sit alone every night at 7.00pm and I will think about life and how to take different step and make decisions thereafter. This will last me like two hours and I believe two hours out of the twenty four hours in a day is not too much to look inward and change some specific thing about your life. The method still works till date and I am very happy because the power of the mind it at work and so many other forces come into play as you do this. Like the creative and innovative ability, this forces raise up their beautiful heads and when you swing into action with their propositions you find out that the sky cannot be your limit.

The new mind can be generated through your ability to set time aside to look at what is obtainable in your environment and you begin to ponder on it until you have a definite answer which you can put to use for a positive result. I will call this a new mind because immediately you make up your mind to put the mind to positive use you will definitely have a specific approach to that situation that is keeping you down. The old mind is that which is not freaked about the situation around, such a mind is probably static and inactive it prefers to live on old and past glory. An active mind is what we need now it is this active mind that will change the situation around not only for him, but for the nation at large. 

Inspiration of Wealth, My Introduction.

Inspiration is a sudden arousal of the mind towards a particular task; it is a result of creative and productive thinking. Inspiration occurs when an individual set himself apart to ponder on issues and a solution is proffered to such issues. It is the desire that arises within the mind to take a definite step, to make a definite turn, to look towards a particular direction, to lay hold on a particular fact, or the articulation of the mind to achieve a desired result.

  A rich mind is what determine a rich hand will you ask me why? Please permit me, I may sound spiritual in my writing, probably it’s because the existence of man is based on spirituality, focusing on the fact that the mind and it’s way of operating cannot be seen or viewed with the physical eyes, but the result of each thought process carried out by the mind is inevitably seen and this thought process however affects our daily behavioral pattern in achieving set goals and objectives.

The mind is the centre for the processing of vital information; it is the reasoning faculty of an individual, it is responsible for his thoughts and feelings. The mind plays a vital role in the development of man and it also stands as the core factor in results achieved by individual over a long period.The mind is definitely the stable of all forms of innovations and inventions which characterize the events in human history.

  Wealth is a state of being rich in terms of resources, material abundance and having plentiful supply of abundance. The state of being wealthy is having what you need to make each day of your life count. It is a situation whereby I can clearly say that an individual has put his mind to work and the result is a rich hand because the evidence is there. You can see it in the fat account he operates, the flashy cars he drives, the beautiful mansion he possesses and the beautiful family he has. All these can be attributed to the fact that he has made proper use of the mind which comes in form of inspiration and has translated it to significant wealth.

  When an individual harnesses the power of the mind, it inevitably results in enviable wealth. Wealth can be generated by the mind through the proper use of ideas and talents. A proper look at our world today will make us understand that people like Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki did not just find themselves where they are right now in terms of wealth.
  It all happened as a result of an idea which came through inspiration to the mind and a careful understanding of their goals and aspirations motivated them to gain focus on their imagination and the will to succeed which ultimately is paying off for them now.

  I want you to know that you can make it your present situation so to say can be turned to a lifetime of enjoyment. I do not want you to mistake your situation now for your position, because you can do something to change that situation you are now to be able to get to your position in life if you will only follow these article to the end.

  This is just the beginning of  a new you, this will have to start in your mind and with the things you learn on this blog you are sure of taking your position in life. Do not be deceived that we all can’t be rich. To either be rich or poor is a decision you have to make probably before we finish with this article or when we are through you will understand that you have all it takes to get to the top.